EVERYBODY is CREATIVE (en català mes avall)
Connecting with our creativity and our bodies through stories (course in English)
Picasso said that all of us are artists. Ken Robinson said that creativity isn't a special talent that only the chosen few have, all human beings are creative. What's more we think and express ourselves with our entire body. As teachers it's our job to help children stay in touch with the wisdom of the body and the source of our creativity. As adults some of us perhaps need to get back in contact or stimulate this natural ability that we have to be creative. The objective of this course is to explore the benefits that come from thinking with our body. It's aimed at kindergarden and primary school teachers (as well as any other professionals who work with children, such as speech therapists, psychologists or yoga teachers)who are looking for new techniques to develop professionally: to explore and develop their own creativity and the creativity of their pupils while at the same time for non-native speakers of English it is an opportunity to consolidate and practice their English, using English as the medium through which they can discover and learn new skills for in and outside the classroom.
Com connectar amb la nostra creativitat i amb el nostre cos a través dels contes: (curs en anglès)
Picasso va dir que tots som artistes. Tots som creatius i a més a més, pensem, sentim i ens expressem amb el cos sencer. Com a professors és la nostra tasca ajudar als nens i nenes a no perdre aquest contacte amb la saviesa del propi cos i la font de la seva creativitat. Com adults alguns de nosaltres, potser també necessitem contactar o estimular aquesta habilitat innata que és la capacitat de ser creatius. Aquest curs té com a objectiu explorar els beneficis que té pensar amb tot el cos. És per a professors d’educació infantil i primària que busquen noves tècniques i maneres de desenvolupar la seva pròpia creativitat i la del seu alumnat i a la vegada, reforçar el seu nivell d’anglès perquè sigui una llengua vivencial, establint vincles lingüístics a través de l’experiència de viure el descobriment de noves habilitats. Per un aprenentatge competencial del anglès es requereix anar més enllà de les classes de llengua.
Connecting with our creativity and our bodies through stories (course in English)
Picasso said that all of us are artists. Ken Robinson said that creativity isn't a special talent that only the chosen few have, all human beings are creative. What's more we think and express ourselves with our entire body. As teachers it's our job to help children stay in touch with the wisdom of the body and the source of our creativity. As adults some of us perhaps need to get back in contact or stimulate this natural ability that we have to be creative. The objective of this course is to explore the benefits that come from thinking with our body. It's aimed at kindergarden and primary school teachers (as well as any other professionals who work with children, such as speech therapists, psychologists or yoga teachers)who are looking for new techniques to develop professionally: to explore and develop their own creativity and the creativity of their pupils while at the same time for non-native speakers of English it is an opportunity to consolidate and practice their English, using English as the medium through which they can discover and learn new skills for in and outside the classroom.
On the one hand, the course offers various storytelling techniques: how to tell stories in an interactive way, involving the children on a physical, mental and emotional level; how to tell stories using the whole body, creating yoga postures (asanas), creating hand movements and gestures (mudras), using mime, images, drawings. The course also offers yoga techniques, specially adapted for children, for concentration, breathing and relaxation in the context of stories, using songs and physical movement. On the other hand the course includes a whole range of fun classroom activities and ideas to help bring out our own creativity as teachers and to help develop the imagination of our pupils, working in groups, in pairs and individually. We want to bring out the child inside us and learn by playing.
This course uses as a basis many ideas from the new educational paradigm, from multiple intelligences to embodied cognition and bodythinking. Human beings are naturally curious and creative and we are predisposed to discover and learn. As teachers we need to create the conditions in which we can nurture these qualities - in children and in the participants of the course. We know that the best way to learn is not not when we are told something, rather when we find out for ourselves. The methodology of the course aims to reflect this concept throughout eh material used, the activities we participate in and the way in which we will work together, so the student-teachers learn by creating, exploring and developing their own skills. The content of the course is divided into 4 practical sessions in which the student-teachers receive input (in many different ways), they practise and develop learning techniques in a multi-sensory and holistic way. They will receive a course pack, many adapted stories, resources, and on-line material.
Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences BLANQUERNA, Ramón Llull University, Barcelona
Course Dates 2015: JULY 1, 2 & 3 Blanquerna Summer School
To register for this course online go to the Blanquerna website:
On the one hand, the course offers various storytelling techniques: how to tell stories in an interactive way, involving the children on a physical, mental and emotional level; how to tell stories using the whole body, creating yoga postures (asanas), creating hand movements and gestures (mudras), using mime, images, drawings. The course also offers yoga techniques, specially adapted for children, for concentration, breathing and relaxation in the context of stories, using songs and physical movement. On the other hand the course includes a whole range of fun classroom activities and ideas to help bring out our own creativity as teachers and to help develop the imagination of our pupils, working in groups, in pairs and individually. We want to bring out the child inside us and learn by playing.
This course uses as a basis many ideas from the new educational paradigm, from multiple intelligences to embodied cognition and bodythinking. Human beings are naturally curious and creative and we are predisposed to discover and learn. As teachers we need to create the conditions in which we can nurture these qualities - in children and in the participants of the course. We know that the best way to learn is not not when we are told something, rather when we find out for ourselves. The methodology of the course aims to reflect this concept throughout eh material used, the activities we participate in and the way in which we will work together, so the student-teachers learn by creating, exploring and developing their own skills. The content of the course is divided into 4 practical sessions in which the student-teachers receive input (in many different ways), they practise and develop learning techniques in a multi-sensory and holistic way. They will receive a course pack, many adapted stories, resources, and on-line material.
Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences BLANQUERNA, Ramón Llull University, Barcelona
Course Dates 2015: JULY 1, 2 & 3 Blanquerna Summer School
To register for this course online go to the Blanquerna website:
Com connectar amb la nostra creativitat i amb el nostre cos a través dels contes: (curs en anglès)
Picasso va dir que tots som artistes. Tots som creatius i a més a més, pensem, sentim i ens expressem amb el cos sencer. Com a professors és la nostra tasca ajudar als nens i nenes a no perdre aquest contacte amb la saviesa del propi cos i la font de la seva creativitat. Com adults alguns de nosaltres, potser també necessitem contactar o estimular aquesta habilitat innata que és la capacitat de ser creatius. Aquest curs té com a objectiu explorar els beneficis que té pensar amb tot el cos. És per a professors d’educació infantil i primària que busquen noves tècniques i maneres de desenvolupar la seva pròpia creativitat i la del seu alumnat i a la vegada, reforçar el seu nivell d’anglès perquè sigui una llengua vivencial, establint vincles lingüístics a través de l’experiència de viure el descobriment de noves habilitats. Per un aprenentatge competencial del anglès es requereix anar més enllà de les classes de llengua.
Per una banda, el curs ofereix tècniques per explicar contes: explicar contes de manera interactiva, involucrant als nens a un nivel físic, mental i emocional; explicar contes utilitzant tot el cos, creant postures de ioga (asanes), creant moviments amb les mans (mudres), utilitzant el mim, imatges, dibuixos. El curs ofereix també algunes tècniques ioguiques de concentració, respiració i relaxació dintre del marc dels contes, les cançons i el moviment físic. Per altra banda el curs inclou tot un ventall d’idees per a classes i activitats divertides per ajudar-nos com a professors a treure la nostra creativitat i desenvolupar la imaginació dels nostres alumnes, treballant en grup, en parella i de manera individual. La idea es treure el nen/ la nena que portem a dintre tot passant-ho bé.
Aquest monogràfic té en compte moltes idees del nou paradigma de l’educació, des de les intel·ligències múltiples fins a embodied cognition i l’anatomia experiencial. Els éssers humans som curiosos i creatius per naturalesa i disposats a voler aprendre. Com a professors hem de crear les condicions en les quals poder nodrir aquestes
qualitats. Sabem que el millor aprenentatge no és quan ens ensenyen, sinó que és quan arribem a descobrir-ho per nosaltres mateixos/as. La metodologia d’aquest taller reflexa aquests conceptes mitjançant els materials que utilitzem, la varietat
d’activitats i la manera de treballar, així que els professors- estudiants aprendran creant, explorant i desenvolupant les seves pròpies habilitats. El contingut del curs es divideix en 3 sessions practiques en les
quals els professors rebran inputs, practicaran i desenvoluparan
tècniques d’aprenentatge de manera multi sensorial i holística. Rebran un dossier amb molt material, molts contes adaptats i una llista de recursos per a les seves classes.
Facultat de Psicologia, Ciènces de l’Educació i de l’Esport BLANQUERNA
Universitat Ramón Llull
Calendari 2015: 28 de FEBRER, 7, 14 & 21 de MARÇ 2015
Durada 20 hores
Horari: dissabtes de 9.00h a 14.00h
Curs a carrec de Lisa Howe
Professora y formadora de professors de ioga per a nens, professora d’anglès de l’Institut Britànic durant vint anys i formadora de professors d’anglès a través del departament d’ensenyament, escriptora de contes infantils. Cofundadora de la Associació IOGA a l’escola.
Facultat de Psicologia, Ciènces de l’Educació i de l’Esport BLANQUERNA
Universitat Ramón Llull
Calendari 2015: 28 de FEBRER, 7, 14 & 21 de MARÇ 2015
Durada 20 hores
Horari: dissabtes de 9.00h a 14.00h
Curs a carrec de Lisa Howe
Professora y formadora de professors de ioga per a nens, professora d’anglès de l’Institut Britànic durant vint anys i formadora de professors d’anglès a través del departament d’ensenyament, escriptora de contes infantils. Cofundadora de la Associació IOGA a l’escola.
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